How to Have a Yacht Appraised

Have a yacht appraisal



Yachts are incredibly expensive things, that’s just a fact of life, they cost a giant amount of money. All yachts do, no matter what size or in what shape or in any sort of state, a yacht will always be in the four-figure mark at the very least. There like that because they are giant vessels made entirely for pleasure, fun, and relaxation, so of course they would cost a lot. Sometimes though, we don’t really know how much that yacht is going to cost, or how much it can be sold for, we don’t always know its value.


That is where yacht appraisals come in, yacht appraisals are incredibly helpful for every single little thing that they do. If you don’t know, a yacht appraisal is when a yacht specifically has its value determined by experts in order to figure out how much it can be sold for. That one little description alone should show much value an appraisal can have, they are incredibly helpful.


A yacht appraisal is incredibly helpful, they can show you if something needs to be fixed, if something can be improved, if something needs to be done in general for the yacht, they can tell you, and when you get it done, the value of the yacht increases. That way you are able to sell your incredible yacht at an incredibly fair price, so really everyone wins, you can sell your yacht, or see how much a potential yacht is actually worth it to buy, the appraisal inspector gets payed by you to do it, and the one you are potential selling to gets a yacht, or the one you’re buying from gets money.


So, it’s a really nice deal all around for all parties if you get a yacht appraised, it makes the process a lot easier, and it makes it a lot more valuable. Though of course, with anything that needs to be inspected, this can take up more time than it usually would if you wanted to buy or sell a yacht.


You could sell or buy a yacht without getting it appraised, in which case whoever you are buying it from would hide important details from you, you might be overcharged quite a bit, and if you were to sell without one, then you’d be taking a stab in the dark at how much it would be worth to sell, you could overcharge your potential customer, or you might be not charging them enough.


Both of those options do not sound that great, they both can lead to a lot of down sides when it comes to the financial portion of this exchange. So, all around it is an incredibly smart choice to go ahead and get your yacht appraised whether you’re selling one, or you’re going to be buying one. If you aren’t convinced whether you should or should not get your yacht appraised yet, then no worries, we are going to be going over quite a bit more in the next few sections, hopefully they’ll be able to convince you.


A few of things that we will be covering are, how to get your yacht appraised and a more in depth look into what a yacht appraisal is. These are both incredibly important, even though it may look like we are covering the same material that we just went over, though there is no need to worry at all, what we are simply doing is going into a more in depth look into a yacht appraisal, beyond the simple explanations that we just gave.


We do sincerely value your time, and we desperately hope that you don’t think that this was a waste of it as you are reading this. Hopefully you find the value and information that you are looking for, and hopefully we are the ones to provide it with this. So, with no more time wasting, here is a conveniently compiled list and analysis of how to have your yacht appraised.


What Exactly is a Yacht Appraisal?


A Yacht appraisal is a survey conducted by an expert who can determine the value of your yacht. As you can probably tell this is going to be the shorter of the two sections, as it is a little simpler. This makes things a great deal easier in the long run for everyone, especially for certain tasks that need to be done.


Usually, a yacht appraisal is used for divorce proceedings, and the yacht needs to have its value known to determine who gets it. That is the most common thing done when it comes to yacht appraisals, but that is not the only thing it is used for. As we said it can be used to determine how much it’s worth to a buyer, which is a pre purchase inspection basically, how much it can be sold for by the seller, etc. There is a lot of things that a yacht appraisal can be used for, but that’s not what we are really talking about right now.


As each yacht and vessel is different from others, an expert has to go onto the ship and look at every nook and cranny that it has to offer. They’ll look at all the equipment, the conditions that things are in, the hull, all the buttons and knobs, and everything else that they can find. They’ll look for every single little thing, and then compile all their findings into one estimation, giving everyone the value.


Once the appraisal itself is done, you can go on with any of your business transactions. The troubling thing about a yacht appraisal is that you need an expert to come out and take a look at the ship. They have to take time out of there very busy schedule to come by. So, it may take a while to schedule the proper times and such to have them come by and find everything that they need.


So, this process may seem a little time consuming, but it is completely worth it. You will simply have to be patient until the appraisal can be scheduled and done. Until the you can try and take a look at it yourself, see if anything needs a bit of fixing up, if anything needs to give a paint job, maybe replace a few parts, etc. If all your doing is waiting, then it wouldn’t hurt to go by and fix it up a little bit.


A word of warning though, like the old saying says, don’t fix what’s not broken. You really don’t want to be doing something that you probably don’t have the deepest knowledge in. It would be absolutely terrible if you accidently wired something wrong, or painted something wrong, or if you cleaned something wrong even, and then break the yacht, making the value of it go way down. I know that all kinda goes without saying, but really just don’t do anything that you will regret, it will not be a fun process.


Something that is also used by yacht appraisals is taxes. If you have a yacht appraisal done, then you can have a fair estimate on your taxes to pay for it. Which is incredibly nice to have, especially if the IRS is accidently charging you more than they should. It saves you money in the long run now that you have it available at all times and have proof of it by a professional estimate. Again, it’s an all-around win, everyone gets money, or is going to be saving money in this transaction, it’s a whole lot of good.


What Is in an Appraisal


Now, we know what an appraisal is, and we know why we should have one done for our yachts, hopefully it was able to convince you to get one, now we can move on to what actually happens in the appraisal itself. We are now going to be looking at what the surveyor is going to be doing really as they inspect your vessel, and what you should do when they are doing their job.


Typically, there is three different parts of the survey, or some variation of it that will encompass the entire vessel in order to find its entire value, which is incredibly good for everyone as this system is usually incredibly efficient. The three parts of this system are the system and conditions tests, the mechanical tests, and the rigging tests, if your yacht has rigs to be inspected. These are the three things that are really what gives a yacht value, and as such will have the most time spent looking at.


So, the systems and conditions tests are very simple to explain and to understand, as most of it is already in the name. The expert will go around the ship and check for its condition, see if the hull is intact properly, any running gears, seeing if all the electronics work, the plumbing, the electrical system, just to see if everything is functioning as it should.


The mechanical test is also incredibly good as it looks at all the gears, and the engine, and everything that is necessary for the entirety of the vessel to move in a physical manner. Another good example of what they will be looking at is the oil, to see if its expired and such. The last and arguably the least important thing that they will be testing and looking at is the rigging, they will just look to see if all the rope and sail and mechanics of the rig are intact and ready to be used properly.


Like I said, they can do these tests in whatever order they wish, whatever is most comfortable or efficient for them to work with generally. Whichever variation of this general test they decide to do should be completely suitable, but if you want them to do it some certain way, that doesn’t really interfere with what they need to do, then we’re confident that they won’t mind to much.


Of course, they could just entirely ignore this system and just review your vessel as they go along, which has worked quite well as well, but we do prefer the system, it gives it a little order and lets us know what to expect. Whatever way they do decide to do it though is completely well and good and should suit your needs very generously.


The Conclusion


We talked about a lot about these yacht appraisals and they were all hopefully very informative. We spoke about what a yacht appraisal is, and what it does, and how it works, and really everything about it in general. The one thing that we did not mention though is the price, which we can really quickly mention. You pay based on square feet, for about every three feet costs about twenty dollars on average.


It can be a pretty steep price to pay if your yacht is big, but it is completely worth it if you are able to get your appraisal and avoid any unwanted taxes, and that you can sell it for a good price that will compensate you very nicely. Whatever you need it for, it will of course be well worth the price of what you pay, and it make sure that you are well on your way to making sure that it is all quite good and normal and safe.


The value of your vessel is a very good thing to know, and hopefully we were able to steer you into the right track into finding out what it is. There is a lot of things that you can learn from an appraisal, and we certainly hope that you learned a lot about them from us. So, again, we just wanted to say thank you very much for taking some time out of your incredibly busy schedule to come and read through this really quickly, we do sincerely hope that you were able to find what you were looking for, thank you very much again, this was how to have a yacht appraised.


How are Yachts Made

yacht making



You probably have a ton of questions on how one of the most amazing vehicles in the world is created. You may be looking for this answer because you’re going to be buying your own amazing yacht, or maybe you want to know more of the amazing vessel that you’ve been cruising on, or maybe you’re simply a curious soul looking to find answers to the world’s mysteries.

There are really a lot of things that you could know about a yacht and its inner workings, a lot of it being pretty complicated, but a lot if it also being pretty simple, on paper at least. Either way, we’re gonna be trying to make these concepts as easy to understand as possible, so you can really understand what it is without trying to make your head hurt by trying to decipher what we’re saying with our techno babble.

Don’t worry, we are going to go over everything, everything that is really important to know at least. So, you don’t have to stress over missing anything, after this you’ll be able to have a fully fluent conversation on how yachts function and work in current society.

Hopefully, you won’t have any trouble understanding these functions and concepts, and hopefully we can explain it in a way that will keep you engaged and educated on how this fascinating topic operates. Also, we really hope you have fun learning about this, at least as much fun as we are gonna have explaining it to you. So, for your convenience and pleasure, here is a conveniently compiled analysis and list of how yachts are made and how they work.

Where Yachts Are Made

Yachts are made in thousands of places around the world, and they are made by dozens of different companies who specialize in the creation of vessels.

Some companies are admittedly better than others in making yachts, which of course does not mean that those companies with lesser skill are any less important, they just have to have a little more time to catch up with their larger competitors.

Anyways, what are probably the greatest yacht creators would belong to Feadship. Feadship, which stands for First Export Association of Dutch Shipbuilders, and ironworks Michigan is considered by many to be the greatest among the yacht creators, and it’s not hard at all to see why. They are above the elite of the elite, they have actually gone beyond regular yachts and now usually work on super yachts, or at the very least very advanced yachts.

One of the things that makes Feadship so good is because of the fact that they actually work with yacht, sorry, superyacht owners, and learn from them how they could make their products better for the sailors that are buying and using them. That is probably the major reason that the yachts they make are just so luxurious and amazing in general to the majority of people who use them.

How It’s Made

So, the overall process for how a yacht is made is pretty simple, and of course we could get technical and speak gibberish if we really wanted to, but for the purpose of having you understand what we’re saying, we’re gonna. Keep this really simple. That’s of course not to say that you wouldn’t understand what we’re saying if we did get technical, this is more for the less technically minded individuals, which of course is also completely okay.

Anyway, the first major part of the process is to make the hull of the ship, which makes a ton of sense. Like a house, you first have to build the foundation of the building, in order for the rest of it to stay standing when you’re putting in all the walls, doors, dry wall, and such. The first thing that needs to get done is to build the hull, as we said, and it can be pretty simple to understand, so no worries on your part.

The first thing that needs to be done in order for the hull to be built is to use a mold. Factories use these really incredible molds that can be filled with dozens of different materials. After the mold is made and ready, they put on this really slick gel to keep it safe and shiny.

Next they have to add in the core of the ship, the middle of it that keeps it stable and ready to go. They usually make the core of the ship with PVC foam and surround it with fiberglass strips that keep it all safe and steady, which is extremely important later on when they need to start building on top of it, the deck being the main thing.

When they do this, they start adding some distribution tubes, or channels for excess resin and air that shouldn’t be touching the core, more on that in a second.

After they add everything they need to the mold, they cover it completely in a plastic sheet. They do this for the next bit that I’m gonna talk about. Before they move onto that next step though they seal the plastic covering with tape, or some other sticky material that can be used to seal the mold.

Now after they seal the mold with their plastic seal, they use the distribution tubes, or channels, and attach vacuumed to each of them. They turn the vacuum on, getting any liquid, like resin out, along with the air in order to make it completely ready for the next step, and cleaning the yacht’s hull to look amazing.

So, once they get the hull sealed and have the air pane resin sucked out of it, they leave it alone for a night, maybe even a day. They do that to allow it to settle in its new sealed form, and let its new dried environment settle a little, and allow the glossy gel set.

Now, the next day, they crane the new hull out of the hull, letting everyone see the newly minted hull. You can see that the hull has a glossy shine to it because of the gel that they put onto it earlier. With that done, the hull is finished and ready to be added upon by the deck and the cabin.

The deck of the ship, the flooring of the yacht I guess you could say is a little more complicated than the hull was. The basics of the hull was making a mold of the hull and then sealing it for a night before cranking it out. You can’t do that with the deck, the simple explanation I mean, you can’t simplify it like you can the hull. So, just to let you know this bit is a little more complicated, and we will still try to keep it really simple for you to understand, but entry to keep up as we are gonna head into a bumpy area.

So, to make the deck of an amazing yacht, they have to start with strips of fiberglass. They rip the fiber glass into strips that fit into the deck in order to make it fit.

They put certain types of wood to fit into the deck, this will make it a little more stable, and it will make it look better, stronger. After they put the wood down, sometimes metal, they lay some fiber glass on top of the wood and make sure that it’s wrapped completely around them.

After they wrap the wooden parts of the deck with the fiberglass, they start sealing it in with resin. This will make it stronger and keep any water out of places that it shouldn’t be in. This is also used to lament it, making it look amazing with a smooth gloss.

That’s how the deck is built and its process is the same one to build the cabins of the yacht. They use a mold for the cabin, sealing it, getting the resin and air out of the mold with a seal, crane it out, put fiberglass and wood onto it, seal it with resin, ladle it, and then attach it to the top of the deck.

Putty is then used on the whole yacht to smooth out any inconsistencies in the fiberglass, and possibly the hull, and cabin, Though that can be rare since they were a mold and not placed by hand like the wood and fiberglass was.

Next they start polishing the whole thing. They do this a few times over and over again trying to make it look good.

After that they start cutting into it. They cut into it to make holes for wiring, certain functions, and portholes to let people see outside of it when they need to do so. This whole process on average can take up to six months, which is pretty good considering everything.


We talked about a ton of things today, hopefully you were able to understand every single aspect of what we talked about and hopefully this was a good answer to your complicated question, hopefully we were able to answer it in a rather simple fashion for you. It is a very fascinating topic and should be further explored, this is just a small part of the industry and is something that should be further explored in some more of your time. We would have continued today’s informative analysis, but we had to end it in a reasonable manner for the sake of time. Not everyone has all day to read and write about one of the Earth’s most amazing vehicles.

We do hope that we can pick this topic back up at a later time, but for now, we will have to settle for what we have been able to give, and hopefully it was something that was satisfactory to you and for whoever you show this deep dive analysis of how yachts are made. There are of course plenty more things to learn about, and to show, so keep searching if this hasn’t been up to your standard.

What we did talk about was extremely basic, but also extremely informative based on the amount of time that we were able to compile all this information. We talked about where yachts are made first and foremost. We talked about how some companies couldn’t keep up with bigger ones, we talked about the major company that makes yachts, and why they are so efficient in what they do.

The second thing that wwe talked about was the creation of the hull of the yacht, how it needed to be molded, sealed, dryed, and then polished. We talked about the deck next, explaining fiberglass, and woods, and other things that would make building a deck very efficient, and lastly we talked about the cabin of a yacht, and how it uses the same methods, a combination at least, of both the decks and the hulls simple process of creation.

So, that was how yachts are built, and how they function in their own special part of the world. It really is just an amazing thing to learn about and you should pride yourself on the fact that you went out to learn a little bit more of the world. So, pats on the back all around, you were able to make it through the entirety of this and you learned some fascinating facts that you will hopefully take with you for the rest of your yacht-filled life.

So, thank you for taking your time out of your extremely busy schedule today, thank you for taking a look at some new information that you can hopefully apply to yourself someday in some fashion or such. So, hopefully you were able to learn a plethora of new information, and if you didn’t, hopefully you at least had a ton of fun reading about this fascinating topic. So, thank you very much for taking some of your time today for this, and of course, this was a deep dive analysis of how yachts are made.

Yachting in Michigan

yachting in Michigan



Michigan is one of the greatest places in the United States to visit, actually, it’s one of the greatest places to visit in the world. It’s beautiful, serene, calm, and fun if you really know where to look. One of the reasons that Michigan is such an amazing place to visit, is because of its famous boating and yachting history.


It’s not very surprising that Michigan would have such a rich history of boating and yachting, what with a body of water being near you at all times within at least six miles while your there. It’s even less surprising that the hobby of boating and yachting in this marvelous state has still been going on since it was first introduced and has even flourished and advanced in ways that never could have been predicted at the time.


Along with the fact there are bodies of water just waiting to be used by boating and yachting enthusiast’s, it also has some of the best weather for the fun activity, beating out a ton of other places located in the United States and the World. Though of course, the best weather is always going to go to Florida, based on my very biased opinion, Michigan will always hold a very dear boating and yachting activity within my life.


Anyways, Michigan has a ton of history and a ton of water and a ton of experience with boating and yachting. Again, unsurprisingly, people still partake in the activity, and have tons of fun doing it. So, as a visitor to the United States, a citizen looking for something new to do, or maybe an experienced yacht person yourself, you might be looking for the absolute best places to take your magnificent beauty of a ship to.


Michigan has dozens and dozens of places that can let you go out, maybe too many, you’ll definitely have a tough time deciding on which one you want to go visit. Maybe unluckily for you, depending on your perspective, you now have a ton of options to choose from for when you want to head out onto the water. Worry not though, we will filter this list into something a little more compressible in order for you to choose the absolute best body of water for your yachting needs. So, for your convenience and pleasure, here is a conveniently compiled list of all the best places to go out yachting in Michigan.


Spring Lake and Lake Michigan at Grand Haven


Spring Lake is one of the most historic on this list and is one of the most fun to visit. The reason though, that this is on the list is that it is one of the best in the state for yachting. The even better reason to visit is because of an amazing festival that this particular Lake hosts every year.


Annually, they host the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival, which has a ton of ship tours, live music, water parades, regular parades, tons of amazing food, particularly seafood and barbecue. Now, they do this annual festival for the simple fact that Grand Haven has been named the official “Coast Guard City USA.” This is the place that coast guards are at their best and it is not surprising seeing that there is just so much dang water for them to work in.


Anyway, lastly, there is another annual event that is not quite as grand as the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival, but it is still something that is definitely worth checking out. It is an annual classic and wooden boat show, this is something that allows those older vessels to show off why they were so amazing in the past and are still relevant today as beautiful ships.


Mullett Lake at Topinabee


Mullet lake is on this list because of a very amazing reason, and that reason can be found its very famous nickname. Mullet Lake is known as the lake that has room for everyone, everyone can get on this lake and still have plenty of room for them to have fun. I mean, there is so much room that a few dozen yachts can be on the lake and a few dozen kayakers in between them all, with still tons of room for them all to have plenty of leg room.


The next great thing to look forward to when you visit this lake is the fact that this lake can take you from one side of the state to the other within only a few hours, depending on how fast your yacht is and how busy the water way is. Another little note that is great is that Aloha State Park is connected to this lake, so after you go yachting, or before, you can have a really nice picnic there or play games with your kids or pets.


Gull Lake at Battle Creek


This amazing lake is so amazing because of the fact that it was one of the very first lakes discovered by tourists in Michigan. So, it has a natural history to it that everyone can appreciate, especially when you are out on the water in your amazing yacht. It’s also a really popular choice considering that it is pretty close to Chicago, which is one of the most famous cities in the United States, and even the world at large.


Something that may interest you especially about this particular lake is that the yacht club that frequents the lake loves to host fun sailboat races on the weekends. That would be amazing to go see, the speeding sailboats cruising along the water, it would be even better to join in on the fun yourself, but unfortunately today, were talking about sailboats.


This is also a very interesting place for scuba divers, as the crystal-clear lake is a temptation for many people because artifacts were placed at the bottom of it. When I say artifacts, I don’t mean crazy expensive archeological finds, I mean like an old swing set, phone booth, a few boats, a bit of railroad track, etc.


It would be a ton of fun to go out on the lake in your yacht and then get ready to go scuba diving, it would be so much fun. A fun day for a fun ship for a fun lake in a fun state, just tons of fun all around for everyone who wants to visit this amazing, historic, interesting lake for their yachting needs, that can’t really be outdone in any other place as of yet when it comes to the combination of scuba diving and yachting.


Grand Lake at Alpena


The Grand Lake at Alpena is a huge, enormous monster of a lake that everyone loves. It stretches seven and a half miles, and is a mile and a half wide, so plenty of room, and great for boat racing, or lazing about down the stream on your yacht. You need to be careful though, there are a ton of little islands that litter the water, so make sure you don’t run into any of them, or you may risk sinking, or capsizing in the middle of the water.


This lake as you can probably guess is also very historic, on the mainland there is a ton of museums and such that display tons of amazing wood boats of older times. So, make sure you take some time out of your very busy yachting schedule to go and look at those marvelous museums and learn a little more of how things where done with the water back in older times.


Lake Huron at Les Cheneaux Islands


Lake Huron is probably the best lake to go yachting with on this list. It is a ton of fun and really shouldn’t be missed out on. Lake Huron is really visited because of its road like water passageways that weave in and out between a multitude of 36 different islands, making it so much fun to traverse. The waves there as well are supremely calm and just amazing for anyone yachting.


A fun thing that Lake Huron does each August is host an amazing antique boating show, giving everyone the chance to see how amazing some ships where back all the way in colonial times. Now, something that you should be really careful about when you are head to this lake is that some of the passageways may be too small for your yacht to get through, you really don’t want to scratch the paint on your amazing yacht because you tried to fit it through a small channel.


If your giant yacht can’t fit through the passages and roads of the lake, than no worries at all, you can simply keep it in one of the larger areas of water, and simply admire the view from afar. That sounds so relaxing as you get to just stay on your yacht and not have to worry about moving it in any way.


Lake St. Clair at Detroit


Of course, we couldn’t end this list without talking about one of the best lakes in one of the greatest cities in the world. Lake St. Clair in Detroit is honestly a dream to go out on with your yacht.


The reason that this particular lake has this particular name is because at the time of its discovery, an explorer on August 12, 1679, the day which hosted the feast of Saint Claire of Assisi, named it in honor of the amazing festival. So, the historic relevance that it has is definitely up there with the other big lakes.


This lake is also famous for its bass, if you’re a big fisher like some of the other people in the world, then you are going to have a blast catching a monster of a fish on this lake while you relax on your amazing yacht.


Lastly, this lake is known to house a ton of large vessels with crane rigging, like a yacht for instance, as it is amazing for anyone who wants to come by and visit, which we definitely recommend you doing, it is going to be a blast what with all your relaxing and fun having that you can have on the water as you sail through the lake.


Lake Charlevoix at Boyne City


At one point in time, USA Today name Lake Charlevoix as the second most beautiful lake in the United States. It is extremely clear as to why they did so, it is just amazing and fun to go out onto this particular lake. One reviewer of the lake even said that its “where the gods swim.” Which is very dramatic to say the least, but so incredibly interesting and fun that you can’t help but remember it as you sail across it on your yacht.


There is also a very interesting boat parade that they do on the lake every year, which is a ton of fun for you take your yacht out on if you somehow get to be involved with it.




There you have it, an amazing list of all the absolute best places that you can take your amazing yacht to in Michigan, one of, if not the most famous state in the United States for lakes. You won’t have any trouble deciding what with the large selection that it has, but there can definitely be some problems when you can’t pick one amazing lake over the other.


So, for your convenience today we compressed it into only the best lakes to choose from, the cream for the crop as some would say. Hopefully this list makes your day easier, and helps you pick the astounding lake that you and your friends and family will soon be hanging out on.


Also, we hope that you learned some interesting facts about sailing, boating, yachting, and the history of sea travel, even for just a little bit here on this list. So, thank you for tuning in, we hope you have an amazing day sailing on the great lakes of Michigan, with your amazing yacht.






Tips on How to Buy a Yacht




Remember that anything can happen. So don’t put yourself in a hurry when making this big decision.Take as much time as you need to make a decision. Like any other buy, be sure to use the internet (like the rest of this article), research the market, do your homework, and be patient. But please don’t be snailsy.

Start shopping around a year ahead of time. This will be time for research, negotiating, and–if you feel comfortable enough about a boat, boat keeping, and sailing you can make the decision.

Talk to several boat dealers around the community. Find out what kind of financing they offer. Try to find out their rates. Do not do all your homework online; do not buy a bike without asking about the financing. It’s very important you go to dealers who will gladly credit cardify your account and will give you the best rate. Do not go shallow or without a dealer’s word.

Now that you have a boat out there, go out there and enjoy it. But be aware of the things the dealers do and pay special attention to how much they recommend their own products. When you go out to sea, you will come across different kinds of people who will give you completely different kinds of advice. Some might say you need an ergonomic work station, or a jacuzzi tub, or a large screen theater – it’s up to you. Pay attention to how they tell you what you need to know. And be careful about how you listen to them because you know full well what you need to know.

Finally, pay close attention to how well you use your motor yacht. There are many accessories and gadgets you can put on your yacht. But some people still don’t seem to use them. If you have expensive and useless accessories, you don’t want to be on the water with a moored motor yacht. It’s OK to use expensive but sensible accessories on your boat.

So what about the gas on a motor yacht? Is it possible to use petrol? Yes, you can. Here are some suggestions.

Firstly, you need to know how much petrol you need to bring on board with you. On average, you should bring enough for the whole sailing period, not more than usual. And you should bring all your cooking pots and dishes with you.

Remember that on a motor yacht, you don’t have to fill up the petrol tank every time you stop. You may find it takes a bit of efforts to do that from time to time, but it’s still much better than to empty your car completely!

To cut down on the amount of petrol you use, it’s good to have an exact figure on how many miles you hope to travel. We would recommend you bring a good store of petrol in your yacht, and when you get back, do a circle of it every couple of days. The gas in the UK is quite a bit higher than it may be in America, so you will need to get used to a lot more petrol. You should also bring along a lot more of the other supplies you would need.

Many motor yachts, by the way, have electric fuel for electric fires. In America, it’s common to see people half-filled with petrol, and at other times there are no petrol available, even though there are hundreds of miles of roads. When you have full petrol, you should be able to do quite a lot of travelling with a full tank and get to where you want to go quite comfortably. Just remember when you are full, you still have to bring petrol home!

When you have surplus on your motor yacht, by the way, you should take that with you too! You can take your favourite toy (a smaller boat for kids) out for the trip and leave the larger boat parked out of the water. As long as your yacht is relatively clean, you shouldn’t have any problems with it!! If your yacht is not, you will have to either hook or take a trailer hook or some kind of floating trailer.

I would also take a toy boat or a different type of boat. The reason for this is that you will be in some places where there are no or less ‘real’ boats available. Often, the one available will be a half pipe that leads into the local waters, or the local lagoon. So, either find a real boat, or don’t take it. The point is, you will have a lot more fun if you know what it is you’re sailing/pasting, rather than finding a piece of paper you can’t touch.

I would also take some drift curtains with you, because sometimes it is not always so easy to make out where the boundaries are, especially if you don’t know the area. A drift curtain may help you to adapt to where you are, enabling you to see the areas you didn’t see before.


Luxury Yacht Vacations

luxury yacht vacation



Most people picture floating markets, not secluded shores, when they think of their ideal vacation, and the first thing they do is search for luxury. Flightless yachts are the result of this quest, but the truth of the matter is that luxury isn’t something you can buy on a yacht, yet it is the most practical way to explore the oceans of the world.

The single largest yacht charter network in the world is, for example, comprised of the world’s largest yachts ( typically over 30 ) that are moored at resorts worldwide. These vessels are crewed by crew of select qualified professionals, with years of navigating experience under their belt. All of this is testament to the ultimate satisfaction that comes from booking a luxury sailing yacht, and you can rest assured that when you embark on your trip, the professionals who lead you will not let you down.

In addition to the massive number of yachts, there are plenty of luxurious accommodations to consider – most notably, star rated hotels. When you make your reservation, you will be provided not only with a tailored itinerary, but also the best of everything that you’ve come to expect from the luxury yacht vacation.

So what are the amenities like? For starters, most yachts are plenty spacious and eminently comfortable accommodations, with the option of an interconnecting jetty so you can bring your own personal craft.  They have fully operational kitchens with enough equipment for a restaurant. Once you’ve settled in, you can start exploring the oceans of yourself. Depending on the type of luxury yacht you choose, you can swim with a group of dolphins, as part of a packaged package that includes access to a timeshare resort in the Caribbean. If you decide to stay in a hotel, the concierge will be glad to help you arrange access to the beautiful beaches the island has to offer.

Lodging in the Bahamas isn’t just about luxury – it’s about preserving an untouched island paradise. Tourism has never been an option – so you can arrive at the destination and feel the weight of theicative community recede as you step off the plane.

The island is a treasure trove of opportunities to explore and discover, and yachts are essential to preserve this unique environment. You can arrange for a luxurious outdoor address where you can watch the Bahamas bask in the warm rays of the sun all year round. When you arrive, your personal concierge will guide you on a tour of the islands and whet you out on your own after a few days.

The tour you choose will be tailored to your specific whims and tastes, and you can have the time of your life exploring every nook and cranny of the Bahamas you wish. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, you can practice your aim on one of the eight sailing boats ranging in size from six to eight men that are moored offshore. After three or four days of this heaven on earth, you’ll be worn out and ready for home.

To fully reap the benefits of a luxury yacht vacation, you should allow plenty of time to try and perfect your travel arrangements and booking itineraries. That means starting early enough and planning your itineraries and jetting off well in advance of your departure date, if possible. Otherwise, you will find yourself trawling airports all over the world in search of a connecting flight.


A Basic Lesson in Sailing

how to sail


I wouldn’t say that driving a car is like sailing a vessel, but the principle is about the same. You get in your car, you turn it on, press the gas, and then start steering the wheel. Simple as that, you just press a few buttons and then you star going. Most people go through a whole process of starting their cars and going on, sailing is quite similar, it’s a process.


The difference between the two though is that you don’t need to know what kind of engine is in your car for you to drive it. In sailing you’re gonna need to know what is propelling your vessel forward and how it’s doing what it’s doing. Which is why you’re here. You want to know what and how to sail a ship. So, for your convenience, here is a conveniently compiled analyze of the basics of sailing.



Figure out the important parts of your vessel


Now, going along with our earlier comparison between a car, let’s say hypothetically, that you’ve never been in a car. You’ve maybe seen people use cars, talk about them, maybe even brag about them, but you yourself have never been in one, let alone ever touched one.


So, you get in a car for the first time, you’re in the driver’s seat ready to head out, but unfortunately for you, you have no idea what the weird looking round thing is, what the buttons do, or why there are so many darn mirrors inside it. I’m sorry to say, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re not going to be driving anywhere, seeing as you have no idea what you’re looking at.


Again, it’s a perfect comparison between sailing and driving. Like this hypothetical, if you get onto a ship, and you’re looking at all the contraptions and buttons and wheels, and you need to set sail, it just won’t happen. You don’t what the giant weird flags are, you don’t know what any of the ropes do, and you have no idea why there are so many darn life preservers on board. See what I mean?


If you don’t know how your equipment and machine works, then you’re not gonna be able to use it. So, were gonna give you a quick little run down on some of the more important parts of a basic sailboat, it should in essence work for every other type of sailing ship, just bigger or smaller.


First up is your fuel, what makes your ship go forward. For this I think we’ll be sticking to the car comparison, it’s just too good to give up.


In a car, you need to put gas in the tank to make it go forward right? You just go to a gas station fill it up and off you go. When you’re sailing though, you don’t have that luxury, you are kinda at the mercy of mother nature.


The fuel that a sailboat uses is wind, the sails (the big white blanket looking things that are above you), catch the wind that is flying by, and it pushes you forward. It’s efficient, nature friendly, and something that humans have been doing since the dawn of creation, so not bad at all. Gas though is obviously easier.


The tricky part to this though is a simple question. How do the sails catch the wind and how do we lucky sailors use it to push us forward? I mean we don’t really have a tank to collect it in now do we.


Catching the wind is the simpler answer to those two questions. You just turn the sail in the direction from which the wind is coming from. Now, how the wind is propelling you lucky sailors forward so fast is a lengthier explanation.


You can kind of think of it as a sandwich. Your ship, the sailboat in this example, is in between two forces of nature. The wind and the ocean both combine their awesome power to make your ship go. See, the wind as I already touched on, is caught in your sails, pushing you forward, the ocean and the water though under you isn’t pushing you forward. It’s instead the perfect surface for you to fly across on.


See, its kind of like when a car hydroplanes, you’re going really fast in the rain and the water gets in between your tire and the street, making you lose traction, therefore making you spin out, or going forward very quickly, albeit in very unexpected ways.


Your ship floats on the water and gets raised up and pushed forward by the wind, like a paper airplane, wind under the wings makes it float, and the force that you threw it with (the wind being your hand in this example) makes it go forward. All very simple indeed when you have it put into perspective.


A little tid bit of a conundrum that you may be asking about this though is how the sailboat is going forward and not all over the place like a car hydroplaning. Well, the answer is very simple, humans are smarter than wind.


Kidding, but no, seriously, we humans are smarter than mother nature. See, under your sailboat, and most other ships, there is a little doohickey under it called a center board, or a keel. You don’t really need to know much about it, but you can think of it as training wheels on a bike that has no handlebars. All you can do is pedal, and the training wheels make sure you stay upright and going forward.


The last little tid bit about how a sailboat moves without gas is the question of how it keeps from falling over, which is commonly called capsizing. Very simply, humans are much smarter than mother nature, so funny I had to say it twice. Anyway, the answer to that question is weight. The wight in the keel of the ship, the thing that’s on the bottom of it, is a little bit super heavy, and it makes sure that the boat doesn’t fall over. Were gonna go into how to use a ship safely in just a few moments, but a little sneak peak, that weighted keel can end up making the boat capsize if you make too much unequal weight, more on it later.


Following the wind and the point of sail


Now, I explained a basic concept of the science and mechanics of how a ship moves in a literal sense. Now were going to explain how to actually do it, and it’s really not as hard as you would imagine it to be.


Basically, it all functions around the wind, which is pretty obvious. You angle your sail in a direction according to where the wind is blowing, and there are different names for different directions that you are pointing said sail in relation to the wind, which are called the point of sail.


First point of sail is the most basic one. When you are sailing in the direction of the wind, fighting against it, and your sails are trimmed in all the way (trimming refers to the tension in your line when it pulls on the sail, so in this case, it’s being trimmed all the way, the tension of the line is at its maximum and its sails are completely reeled in), it’s called closed haul, or sometimes referred to as a beating.


Next up is when you need to sail away from the wind, you’re going of course, and the wind is hitting your boat from the side. The sails need to be released in a specific order, basically releasing it slowly as your turning the boat. It’s called a close reach, then you move onto a beam reach, and end with a broad reach as you ease the sails out.


Lastly, is the one that is the most fun, the one where you get to really feel the wind in your hair. We are now sailing directly away from the wind; it is now caught in our sails and it is just fine pushing us along. This is called a run and your sails are eased all the way out.


Finding the direction of the wind


Trying to find which direction the wind is blowing can be a little tricky at times. You stick your finger in your mouth, hold it up and all you feel is cold, not very helpful for those not used to using tricks like that. Not to worry though, there is a ton of tricks that you can use to figure out which direction the wind is going, because honestly, the wind can be a master of stealth sometimes.


We’re gonna get the most difficult one out of the way first, and it may be the most difficult, but it is the most accurate way of doing it. This method is one that I don’t personally use though because I’m not quite experienced with it yet, but not to worry, it is a very simple concept, and I have seen dozens upon dozens of people do it for me.


When wind blows across the ocean surface, it creates ripples and makes perpendicular little waves in the direction that the wind is going. It’s basically trying to see which way the wind will blow using the waters reaction to it. You can especially use this method when the waves are bigger, as there more affected by the wind than smaller currents and waves. If you can’t figure it out with this method, there really is not shame, I can’t do it, hundreds of thousands of others can do it either. So, we rookie sailors can simply stick to other, simpler methods of wind orientation and navigation.


Flags, you’ve gotta love them, there simple, there easy, and there so efficient. It’s really simple, just put one, maybe two or three more on top of the ship and just watch direction they fly in. You can use smoak to find the wind as well, and if you’re really desperate you can cheat off other sail boats and see what they’re doing in relation to the wind.


There are also a lot littler ways you can figure out the way to find the direction of the wind. All of which are just as amazing as the other methods, but we all have a particular favorite in the sailing world, so be sure to find yours.


The conclusion to basics of sailing


So, that was our basic run down of sailing and how to use it effectively. We talked about all the important parts that your gonna need to know if you want to get the basics of sailing or if you’re in some kind of emergency and you need to know how to.


Something important to know is that we wanted to talk about the ropes and knots that are included with your sailboats and other sailing vessels, but we really just couldn’t fit it into this particle break down. Were sure that you can figure it out though, hopefully.


Anyways, a little recap to help keep it stuck in your memory. We talked about the science bits of sailing, how your vessel is pushed by the wind, and how the water is used to make the vessel float, making less traction, which equals speed. We talked about the direction in which your sail needs to be in, and the correct terms associated with the sails and the wind direction. We talked about the point of sail and again which direction the sail is going to need to go in. Finally, we talked about how sailors can figure out the direction of the wind using certain techniques and handy do dads in order to find it.


Also, make sure you women keep your accessory handbags at home.  My wife had to learn the hard way when her’s fell overboard – lost to the sea forever.


Thank you for taking some time out of your day to find out the basics of sailing a vessel. Hopefully you found something helpful out of this analyze and come again real soon to find out any more information on sailing.

Best Places to rent a Yacht in California

California Yacht Rental



You’re in the golden state, or about to be, and you want to do something that you’ve never had the chance to do before. You want to go out onto the water in the biggest, the best, the most amazing yacht you can find. You want to be able to go out onto the water with your family and friends and just have a good time as you watch the spectacular views go by.


To do that, you’re either gonna need to do the really expensive thing and buy your own personal yacht, which would be amazing. Or you can opt for the cheaper, probably more useful option, and you can go and rent a yacht. That is what this little list is all about.


To rent a yacht, your gonna have to find a rental place in California. Luckily for you, you came to the right place, because what we have here is some of the best rental places in the golden state to get a yacht from. some of them are better than others on the list, some of them are cheaper, some of them have better quality yachts, and some of them are better with there customer service. You can find all that out in our deep dive look into this.


So, for your convenience, here is a conveniently compiled list of all the absolutely best places in the golden state, California, to rent a yacht from.


The Duchess Yacht Charter Service


Starting out, we have the Duchess Yacht Charter Services, which is one of the most interactive of our list here. It is also one of the best we have here on the list because it has such good deals and prices.


See, all of the charters available and all other amenities are included in just one fee. So, you can pay for the captain, crew, fuel, fishing equipment, snorkel equipment, kayaks, fuel, and everything else depending on what kind of charter you choose. So, if you want a yacht to go fishing, then the captain (if you need one), the fishing equipment, poles, bait, life preservers, everything is included in the price of also renting the yacht, so very cool.


Now the Duchess Yacht Charter Service does have just one drawback, they only have one yacht for customers, and because of that there booking can kind of be packed at sometimes. But don’t worry there is still plenty of bookings for you to make if this is the yacht rental that you wanna go for.


A few of my personal friends have gone on this cruise, and they all said that they loved it, it’s a real winner in the yacht rental community.



LA Sailing Charter


The LA Sailing charter is much more exclusive than others on the list, and their specialty is not entirely focused on yachts, but more on boats in general. The yacht that they do have is an amazing one and readily available for all hours of the day, depending on how much you pay.


The yacht that LA Sailing Charter owns is the Beneteau 473, which is just beautiful, it looks like a dream on the water, something worthy of a king and queen.


Now, the pricing for this fun adventure is a little pricier compared to the other ones on the list. So, because of that, this one is a little bit more of a backup to the others, if you can’t get one of the other amazing ones, then this super amazing one is always here, just at a little higher price.


Anyways, it’s $200 dollars an hour, with a 2-hour minimum, plenty of time for you guys to have fun on the water, you can do a straight line out into the water for an hour and make a straight beeline back in the same amount of time. Or you can go thirty minutes in the water and then bee line back in the same amount of time if that’s what you want to do.


If you want though, you can pay $1,200 for an entire day, seven hours total. Which sounds absolutely amazing, an entire yacht for you and the family to use for an entire day!


Finally, there is a Sunset Cruise special, which is only $390, and it can include up to 6 people. Which again sounds like tons of fun for everyone, the captain can take you out on the water and show you guys some of the better sights in the area. Which again, how amazing would that be.


Charters 2000


Charters 2000 is one of the better ones on this list, easily in the top three if it were a competition. This company has been making people with their yachts for years and most if not all of them where extremely happy with the fun they and their friends and family had. Also, there yacht is just amazing as well, it really makes you feel like a captain at sea.


There pricing is also kinda pricey. For a four to five trip on Fridays through Sundays its $995 dollars, and Monday through Thursday its $895 dollars. So, weekdays you get to take a hundred dollars off that price for the never-ending fun pack. The super fun pack is similar but is way cheaper. Fridays through Saturdays is $795 dollars and Mondays through Thursdays is $695 dollars.


The price is kinda high, but it is totally worth it if you can spend the money. Also, a fun little tid bit about this place is that if you decide to help out around the vessel, then they sometimes let you play with their kayaks free of charge, how nice and fun is that. Anyways, this is defiantly a place that you should check out if you’re looking to rent a yacht in the golden state.


Blue Pacific Yachting


The Blue Pacific Yachting is probably the best we have on the list. They have a huge fleet, though not as big as some of the other massive fleets on here, and not all of them are yachts, but they are all equally amazing in their own ways.


They have one beautiful yacht called Grace, which is an equally beautiful name for a beautiful vessel. The problem with this though is that Blue Pacific Yachting is probably the most expensive one on the list. for a non-member on a normal weekday, just one day, it costs $1,470 dollars to rent. Which is crazy I will admit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people wouldn’t want to go for this one if they even had the money. But to be completely honest, I think it’s worth it.


Going on a yacht adventure in the golden state is just amazing, and the Blue Pacific Yachting just makes it better with their amazing amenities, ridiculously nice staff, and all-around vibe. This is the legitimate business that will make you feel like your money is being well spent for the memories that you’ll be making.


Moving on from the pricing, they also do something that no other business does on this list. The blue Pacific Yachting actually sells courses on how to sail, and they have dozens of them for different types of vessels. They even have one that will teach you how to sail a 36-foot yacht. It’s starting price is $1140 dollars, which is pretty good considering that you get to go out onto a yacht and learn how to sail it. Also, something I should have started with at the beginning of the sentence is that the course lasts three days. So, you will have plenty of time to learn how to sail it and you get to soak up tons of sun, so it’s a win-win.


Of course, they don’t have the one vessel that they teach how to sail, they have dozens of others that you can pick from, some cheaper, some bigger, different types of vessels, motors, sails, the whole thing. You can even get a docking certification from them if you wanted to as well as a complete project plan through California Project Management. It lasts a day and is only $475 dollars, so it’s pretty good that you have the whole day, you learn how to dock a vessel, and you get a certification out of it, so again, win-win-win. All around, the Blue Pacific Yachting is probably the best we have here on the list, and it is absolutely worth the money if you have it, you will not regret it while your sailing on the sea singing shanty’s and relaxing in the California sun.



FantaSea Yachts


This one can be on this list for its name alone, how catchy do you think it is, the FantaSea Yachts (if you don’t get it, it’s a pun, its hilarious). But it’s not on here because of its name, its on here because of its amazing service, you can rent a reasonably priced yacht from here, with amazing customer service, it’s super easy to do, and to set up. It really takes only like ten minutes at most, and that’s if you’ve never used the internet before. There is no stress with the FantaSea Yachts, it only takes a few moments to set up, arrive on time on the day, and set sail, relaxing all the way.


UNIQ Charters


UNIQ charters is one of the more versatile on this list, there also one of the best. They have tons of locations around the United States of America and have multiple vehicles, all of which are in amazing condition and are usually top of the line. They do so many things that they even rent out their cars to movie studios, minor and large ones, for there productions, which is very cool.


Though we aren’t here to talk about those other amazing vehicles, were here to talk about their yachts and holy molly do they have a big fleet. They have up to ten yachts for you to choose from. All of which can hold up to 12 people comfortably, except for one, the 44’ UNIQ CRANCHI YACHT can only hold up to 8, but believe me when I say, that does not take anything away from its perfect functionality and comfortability.


When you rent one of these bad boys from UNIQ for the day, you can also decide to add in some really neat amenities. Keep in mind, these are cool, but you also have to pay for them separately, along with the yacht for the day.


You can hire a professional chef to come along with you and make you amazing food, there is tons of fun water toys, like jet ski’s which are very cool, you can decide to be delivered to and from the yacht in a helicopter while the yacht is in the water. Really there is no end to how much you can get with UNIQ’s fleet of yachts, they have so many choices that you’ll be hard pressed to find which ones you and your family want.




OnBoat is on here because of its specialty. The others on this list are really known for their own kinda of twist on yacht rentals, some teach you how to sail a yacht, some let you help around the vessel to give you a good feeling of adventure, others are just for relaxing.


OnBoat though is different because of the fact that is a party boat. They specialize in events, like birthdays, bachelorette parties, bachelor parties, anniversary’s, and if you’re feeling really romantic and you want to, you can set up this amazing proposal for your partner.


So, if you want to rent a yacht for a special event then OnBoat is the place to go, they have everything you need, and can help you schedule and set up everything else. There’s no stress, just as long as you and your family and friends are on time for you all to set sail into fun. It’s only a few clicks away for the adventures to begin.





How Technology Can Improve Yacht Performance and Onboard Entertainment

yacht technology improvement


So, you maybe have a yacht, a really nice one, a big one maybe, or maybe you don’t have one and are just a dreamer looking on in envy like us. Either way, you’re here because you want to know just how much better a yacht can be, when technology gets involved.

It may seem kind of obvious, but the progression of technology makes improving things a hundred thousand times better. Yachts have the privilege of being considered a thing. Yachts get upgrades every time technology gets an upgrade, and you’re here because you want to get all the details on how it’s better than it already is. Honestly, it’s amazing how much more fun the technology is on the yacht.

So, for your convenience, here is an in-depth list and analyze on how technology can improve performance and onboard entertainment.


A Broadband For your Internet Needs


Yachts have been around for the longest time; they have had years and years to advance in the technology industry. The great thing about that is that you now get to enjoy those amazing technological upgrades on your yacht.

The technology makes your yacht a stress-free environment, it makes it more fun, and it just overall makes the already amazing journey even better, as you sail through the giant ocean. Now, you have plenty of things that you can put into your yacht, anything you really want you can have installed, or buy when you first buy a yacht.

One of those amazing things that you should include on your yacht is a broadband, or a VSAT in order to have the internet with you as you’re on the water sailing the sea. A reliable internet connection is going to be a life saver, you’ll have so much more fun tanning while you binge watch your new favorite show, it’s great.  I even was able to look up demolition companies near me so that I could order a building to be knocked down, all from the comfort of my yacht.

Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself, well I already have a data plan, why do I need to install this doohickey when I have this? well, when you’re sailing the high seas, you’re going to end up in remote areas, that just unfortunately don’t have a connection. Plus, it’s cheaper in the long run.

Also, it can help your equipment run. It can make sure you don’t lose any connections between your equipment and the internet. You don’t want to lose your GPS in the middle of your adventure, that wouldn’t be too great.

You can have the internet wherever your ships are at. You don’t have to be charged with extra bills by your data plan, and you can relax knowing that you have a reliable source of entertainment right on any screen because you have a connection to the internet. I would say that’s a worthy investment to include on your amazing luxury yacht.


A Drone


This one is a little strange, but it makes sense if you think about it. A drone would be crazy amazing to have on a yacht. Not only would it be super fun to fly it around over the ocean without the risk of having it run into anything, it can have a camera on it.

you can feel like a spy and do surveillance of the area around you, make sure there aren’t any enemy sharks around you. Maybe you can use it to make an awesome movie to show off to your friends. Maybe you can use it as a really elaborate selfie stick and takes pics of yourself and the family, if there with you.

Something that I would personally make sure to buy, if I was getting a drone for myself to play with on my giant yacht, I would make sure that my drone was waterproof and able to float, that way, if I drop it or it gets too close to the ocean it won’t be a problem, all you have to do is make it fly again, no fuss, no muss.

Anyway, a very strange piece of tech that you might not have thought of, but it is an amazing bit of fun that you can have. Taking amazing videos of the scenery around you as you fly your super expensive drone on your super-duper expensive yacht. So, make sure to pick one up before you set sail again, I’m sure that I will be grabbing one for myself soon, even if I don’t have a yacht myself.


A Projector for the Movies


If you wait on the sea till nightfall, then your gonna have a blast with a projector, watching all your favorite movies under the stars. It would be great to just have your own movie howe theater on the deck of your yacht.

You can get a projector from a ton of places, and a lot of them are amazing, and I could list a lot of them for your convenience, but that’s another analyze we can do. For now, your gonna need to go and search for it yourself, make sure you pick a really good one, maybe one that’s waterproof. You never know when your projector is gonna decide to jump overboard at any time.

You can play a plethora of movies on it, or you can binge some more shows to watch, whatever you choose, it’ll be an amazingly fun time for all of you guys to mess around with. Make sure you don’t forget the popcorn on the mainland, it wouldn’t be great to know you forgot the buttery goodness.


Lift Foils and Jet Surfs


I’m gonna be completely honest with you. You own a yacht, completely to yourself, and you have the entirety of the ocean to explore at your leisure thanks to your amazing vessel. Because for that you now have a rare opportunity that you will want to take advantage of.

There is a flying surfboard that uses electric hydrofoils that go way deep into the water. And because of that amazing bit of technology, the board is going to rise up and off the sea level. You can be an actual superhero, flying around due to your amazing water manipulation abilities using a lift foil. That statement alone is an amazing reason to buy a lift foil, it’s an amazing reason to buy a yacht if you don’t already have one.

You can just sail out onto the open ocean and then stick that on your feet, flip the switch and you are flying like a superhero.

It’s an amazing dream for us non flyers, to one day utilize the worlds water and make it push us into the air. It’s a great dream, maybe one that you can make a reality, for now though we have to move onto the next dream.

A jet surf is another board that is absolutely amazing. A motorized board that pushes you forward on the water. You can be a master of the ocean just glazing across its surface, which just sounds so fun.

It’s something that is really easy to learn, but it is extremely hard to master it. You can ride on the top of it for a while, maybe even not fall for a little bit, you’ll have fun. Though you will have fun, you aren’t going to be able to do sick tricks on the ocean within the first hour. It has a learning curve that your gonna have to figure out in order to make the most of it.


Apple Products


This is another strange one to think would be on a list about the technological innovations of the progress of super yachts, yet it is here, and there is a reason. Surprisingly, Apple products work really well on the open ocean, they don’t have much trouble functioning and connecting to the internet like some other companies do and it can be a life saver to have on board.

A simple apple iPad is enough to make the day super enjoyable. You can sail around the world on your yacht and have that handy little minicomputer with you as you do. You can watch movies, watch tv, look up weird facts, go on social media, thanks to your handy internet connection. It’ll be a great thing to have and if trouble ever pops up, you can send a text, call someone, to make sure help arrives on time.

So, it’s safe, a great precaution, all around great to have on board. By the way, I don’t just mean iPad’s, a phone, a tv even are all great to have and they all have different uses to upgrade your yacht. So, make sure that you pick one up for yourself and have a great time out on the ocean, with your super yacht. You can have all the fun with your apple product all handy with you as your sailing, it’s no trouble, its safe, and they will make your life easier on your technologically advanced yacht.


The Recap and Conclusion


So, we covered a wide variety of tech that you can have installed in or have included on your yacht. All of which are things that you are going to want to have in your arsenal of fun and efficiency on your amazingly progressive yacht. It’s all great to have and you should check all of it out, and to make that easier for you, we’re going to go on a real quick recap on all the tech we talked about today.

The first bit of tech that we talked about was a broadband for your internet connection. You may have a data plan that has a ton of coverage, but I’m betting that coverage doesn’t span the entire world. So, it would be a smart idea for you to have a broadband installed into your super amazing yacht in order for you to keep that connection online and strong the entire time you’re on the sea. You can use it for fun things like watching tv, movies, playing online games, etc. You can also use it for equipment and directions using the internet. Using google maps for example would be great using that internet.

The next bit of tech that we talked about was the drone. The first strange bit of tech that we talked about, but arguably one of the most fun things that you can have on your super amazing expensive yacht. You can fly it around without any problems, taking videos and pictures to your hearts content with your really awesome drone. Its personally the thing I would want most on a super yacht like yours. I don’t know about you, but the uses that a drone could have are just amazing.

The next piece of technology that we talked about in this deep dive analyze was the projector for all your movie and tv needs. When the sun goes down, or when you get up before the sun rises than you can watch whatever you want on an amazing projector. It’s a lot of fun for the entirety of the family.

Next up, we talked about the lift foils and the jet surfs, both of which are amazing pieces of technology for you to have on board and will make the journey that you have all over the ocean so much more fun. You can be a superhero with the lift foils, using the water to propel you way up in the air, and the jest surf can make you feel like you’re speeding through the ocean on its motorized board.

The last bit of tech that we talked about in this deep dive analyze was Apple products. They’re incredibly good to have on board a yacht, as they can make sure to stay steady and reliable when you use them. You can get any number or variation of them for your yacht, whichever you choose will be great to have on hand. That was our convenient compile of the greatest tech to have on board your yacht at any time, we hope that you were able to get some useful information from it.

Yachting in Geneva

yachting in Geneva

Brussels offers to tourists a wide range of sea services: starting from airport to lighthouse, continuing on land and into the ocean. So, you can organize a corporate trip to the European capital and sail around the beautiful city, enjoying the cool breeze on the sea breeze each morning, watching the waves lap up against the ship slate. ailing along the Belgian coast

Brussels, also known as the City of Music, is located in Belgium and is the third largest city in Western Europe. A pearl fishermen’s town, the city boasts of over 300 different restaurants, offering the best variety of international cuisines. The restaurants range from global cuisines to the most exotic, including those from China.

After a hectic day at sea, you can relax in the evening with a Belgium waffle served in a local pastry shop, followed by dinner at one of the restaurants favored by local residents. The city is also characterized by a quite large number of trendy and expensive bars, available for those who are ready to try the local nightlife.

You can go to Brussels, Belgium’s capital, for many reasons, including business, and a becoming understanding with all the major European economies. Being a major trading hub of Europe, some travel highlights include the annual Tulip Festival and the Christmas market, which is visited by over 1 million people every year.

There are a few popular places to visit here, listed below:

The twin-towered clock tower is the best place to overlook the city. One look at the soaring blades, and it’s easy to understand why they were built. Kids will delight in guessing what asset the tower has, but root around in the markets or stop at a coffee shop for a cup of Belgian waffle to finish your day.

In Lovers’ Square, you can grab a bite to eat, but best to start linger. You’ll find the best ice cream and gelato in this place, and there’s live music on a daily basis, just watch out for the spray foam equipment.

For souvenirs, try the postal museum, once a hostel to the British troops during World War I. There’s a stunning statue of Harry Colour, the patron saint of the city, proudly standing guard at one of the entrance doors.

There are three skyscrapers in this area with a total of 59 floors, connected by a skybridge. From the 86th floor, you can still see stunning views of the city, well below on the river.

Bakewell overlooks the town, with a memorial overlooking the site of the original bronze age settlement, White Lion. There are several activities and exhibitions in this area, as well as a Free Parking lot.

Additionally, the National collectibles museum has many artifacts in their displays, including a collection of sixteenth century clockwork. There are also fine quality musical instruments in the museum collection.

If you still have time left in your Geneva airport transfers, head out to Morzine. This town is located on the outskirts of the city, but if you head through the Portes du Soleil, you’ll be able to access it easily. Morzine is a beautiful city that easily dominates your day. Aside from skiing, there are many different things to do in Morzine, including taking the cable car up to Cavalleria, and walking around in the town. But the mountain views from the cable car area are second to none. At the top, take a look at the spectacular views and then take a stroll through the town.

Many travelers have rejected the idea of renting a car and opted for Geneva airport transfers instead. That said, it’s hard to beat Geneva airport transfers when you’re planning your trip to the city. With help from friendly service agencies, you’ll be able to quickly check out the shuttle schedules for the week preceding your arrival – thus avoiding possible hassle and any disappointments or delays.


The Wonders of a Yacht Charter

yacht charter benefits


Exploring the oceans of the world has always been an adventurous and luxurious pastime. But, this pastime has also come with its own set of tradeoffs, with the complexities of the global economy squeezing an already thin air. Despite this, the yacht charter continues to grow fruitful, with more and more people choosing to Charter a yacht than ever before. Why? The sovereign reward associated with chartering a luxury yacht enters a completely different league from the merely economical getaway. By chartering a yacht, you can enjoy the benefits associated with a larger venue, like a beach resort or hotel. These luxury yacht charters allow you to host delays or take your pick of the most spectacular oceans, while steering clear of the crush. Go global and utilize your imagination.

The above mentioned benefits play a vital role in the decision to charter a yacht. However, there are many other factors to take into account, which include the actual yacht you select. The more you take into consideration the more you can expect from the yacht sailing experience. tried and true crew members will impart the maximum benefits on you. Their guidance and experience gained through years of navigating the biospherical lanes through the unforgiving Atlantic Ocean will aid you perfectly in your sailing venture.

The most appealing benefit associated with yacht charters is the simple fact that the crew members are highly experienced. A seasoned crew will know when you are surrendering the achieve and will quickly assist you to the required takeoff sites. A top quality yacht will employ the trained and experienced skipper to manage the vessel and handle other diverse facets of the trip. A well trained crew can act as a stabilizer while your ship is turning. However, it is imperative you Ensure that the professional skipper knows your limits, as there will be steep surprises. oceanographers have extensively traveled the world and have intimate knowledge of the trade offs and hazards as you well know.

You owe it to yourself to try the yacht charter opportunities provided by Global Marineland. Their eruption of experience ensures a remarkable experience.  You don’t need training OSHA to charter a yacht. Their experienced captain will navigate your ship safely to the chosen destination. An experienced captain is also capable of making anchor whenever he/she deemed fit. An experienced captain will also guide and manage the length of stay to maximize your enjoyment.

In case you are a newbie in navigating, it is always advisable to bring some chartered yachts for comparison. There are several yacht charter companies whoerikship containing a recognized yacht registry office, with mooring and drop off points for rented yachts, along with detailed and regular updated maps. Yacht Brokers have a wide range of expertise and connections in most places of the world. In addition to the yacht offices, most of these yacht brokers are authorized to handle multiple jobs, usually referred to as a charter broker.

Charter brokers provide support and amenities to the tourists situated in most locations of the world. A number of prominent brokers offer a similar service offering. They also frequently offer premium accommodation and VIP treatment as additional package. The yacht broker also arranges for the supply of portable oxygen and medical supplies, as well as emergency equipment. Generally, a high quality of service cannot be expected for bargain prices and reasonable costs.